News Letter

The CHERISH project engages with coastal communities to share knowledge and raise awareness about the impact of climate change on coastal cultural heritage. We also share our research, our expertise and our methodologies with key stakeholders including academics, policy makers, local authorities and anyone who might benefit from our research.

We publish the CHERISH newsletter biannually and you can download all the back issues from this website. If you would like to be included on the mailing list and receive a digital copy of the newsletter twice a year, please contact the project team.

You can follow the CHERISH project on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram, as well as here on our website.

We have a monthly video series called CHERISH Chats to highlight some of our recent research and the wealth of video and still imagery the project has collected. These videos are posted on social media and are also be available on our YouTube channel. We also publish regular blogs on our website to highlight our ongoing research.

As nearly all our work uses the latest digital technologies, we’re able to use data gathered to create engaging and informative products such as our 3D Sketchfab models of sites which allow users to take virtual tours from the comfort of their own homes.