News Letter

Join us as we complete the CHERISH project with a final conference to disseminate and contextualise our research within the sector.

 On Tuesday 21st March 2023 CHERISH will hold its final conference at the Printworks, Dublin Castle. We will present the final findings, products and lessons learnt from this 6-year, €4.9 million project. Most importantly, this will include launching our Good Practice Guidance: a how-to guide on the project’s “toolkit” for researching at-risk sites.

The day will include papers from members of the team, heritage professionals who have worked with the project, and those who have developed and refined the Toolkit. We will be joined by representatives from a wide variety of businesses, with Trade Stands to explore during refreshment breaks. Lunch and refreshments will be provided, and there will be a drinks reception in the evening 5-7pm as an opportunity to network.

Join us if you want to hear about the ways that we can approach coastal, intertidal and marine sites at risk from climate change. There will be chance to discuss the future of climate heritage, and how we as heritage professionals can engage with the risks posed by climate change.

If your company or organisation would like a trade stand at the event, please contact us directly at

Location Map

Save the date poster

CHERISH Conference 2021

The CHERISH Project online conference was held on 12 May 2021. The successful conference brought together a range of international speakers which provided a fantastic insight into how climate change and coastal heritage in being approached across the world. 

CHERISH conference 2021 flyer

Delegates who registered for the conference can still access all of the talks on CHERISH Conference Catch-up TV with their delegate login details by clicking on the button below.

For those that were unable to register for the event all recorded papers are available on the he CHERISH Youtube channel.

An end of CHERISH phase one conference is planned for 7 September 2022 at Dublin Castle. The conference will have an international focus with papers by leading specialists and practitioners, it will present the findings of the project and look at the way forward.

Conference Participation

The CHERISH Project stays actively engaged with the international climate change and cultural heritage community through presenting at a range of national and international conferences. We have organised scientific sessions at international conferences in Barcelona, Dublin and Newcastle and have presented to audiences in countries across Europe such as Italy, Poland, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Orkney Islands and even Stockport!

More recently CHERISH project members have participated in number of online conferences. Toby Driver and Sandra Henry both presented papers at the Adapt Northern Heritage Conference in May 2020 (one of the first on-line conferences); Edward Pollard presented a paper at the Nautical Archaeology Society annual conference in 2020; Louise Barker and Kieran Craven gave one of the Keynote presentations at the Digital Past Conference 2021 and also present were James Barry, Daniel Hunt and Robert Shaw who presented an online workshop on the use of drones for archaeology.

Past CHERISH Conferences

An aerial archaeology seminar organised by the CHERISH project took place in June 2019. The seminar entitled Air and Earth 2: Developments in Aerial Archaeology was a free full day conference. The seminar was divided into four sessions and the first session Recent Aerial Discoveries included papers from Ireland, Wales, Scotland and England. The other sessions each featured three papers on the topics Aerial Photographic Archives, Lidar and other remote sensing methods and Education and community involvement.

CHERISH Senior Geo-surveyor presenting at the AIr & Earth 2 Conference in 2019.
CHERISH Senior Geo-surveyor presenting at the AIr & Earth 2 Conference in 2019.

In May 2018 the CHERISH Project held a successful Professional Seminar on in Venue Cymru, Llandudno. The seminar was attended by nearly 80 delegates including members of the CHERISH Advisory Committee and Project Partners. A range of speakers presented position papers on UK climate change and coastal heritage policy from Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland as well as talks about survey, research and public engagement. The free one day seminar comprised three sessions focussing on ‘Strategies for our Changing Coasts – Regional and National Perspectives’, ‘Meeting the challenge: CHERISH Project Update’ and ‘Engaging Coastal Communities’.

Audience members at the CHERISH Professional Seminar: Llandudno 2018.
Audience members at the CHERISH Professional Seminar: Llandudno 2018.

The CHERISH Project has also organised several conference sessions in large international conferences including the European Archaeology Association (EAA) in Bern (2019) and Barcelona (2018).

Speakers who contributed to the CHERISH Session at the European Archaeology Association (EAA) 2018 Conference in Barcelona.
Speakers who contributed to the CHERISH Session at the European Archaeology Association (EAA) 2018 Conference in Barcelona.

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