Have you ever wanted to take part in an archaeological excavation? Finding buried treasure and learning about the past….
Following the success of the CHERISH community excavation at Caerfai Promontory Fort near St Davids in Pembrokeshire last year, the team are excited to offer another opportunity to investigate the site.
Between September 3rd – 18th 2022 DigVentures are organising a second season of excavation at Caerfai. The field school will teach excavation skills, how to locate archaeological features and investigate the impacts of climate change.
The CHERISH project is offering 4 funded places for students aged 17+ interested in following a career in archaeology or people who are currently unemployed and looking for training opportunities. Each place is worth £700 and funds a week at the dig. We’re unable to provide accommodation and applicants must also ideally live in Pembrokeshire.
If you’d like to apply, please send a short paragraph [300 words max] on why you’d like to attend the field school. You’ll also be asked to write a blog and social media posts during your time on the dig. You’ll be supported in this by the CHERISH team.

Details of the field school can be found https://digventures.com/projects/caerfai/
For info:
Dig Ventures are the first Chartered Institute for Archaeologists’ Accredited Field School with a dedicated and structured field school curriculum to train volunteers in all aspects of the dig process and support the Archaeology Skills Passport.
Please email your application to Cherish@rcahmw.gov.uk , making sure to include your name, address and whether you are a student or currently unemployed. Deadline for Applications – Friday 5 August
We’d love to see you on site!